A downloadable game

This is a short mini boss scene inspired by Bloodborne. The player can attack the enemy and dodge roll through its attacks, the player can also block the attacks. The enemy can attack the player, do a charging dash and even attack with a fireball spell.

This entire project was written in C++, all files will be shared via Github at a later date

At the time of writing, there a few issues. First, there isn't a complete loop, a start menu, pause menu and ability to quit need to be added. Sound effects also need to be applied.

The biggest issue is a big one! Right now the player isn't actually damaging the boss. Not sure why as everything is working perfectly, but I will be fixing the ASAP. 

Time dependant, this will be a 3 level project, a small arena section with weak enemies, this one with weaker enemies and the boss being in the final area.


hero-souls-win.zip 1.5 GB
Version 1 52 days ago

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